What patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis expect from the relationship with healthy people

In Romania there are over 10,000 patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a neurological disorder that affects young adults and usually starts between 20 and 40 years old. Most patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis experience a lot of suffering. However, these sufferings do not prevent multiple sclerosis patients from dreaming and having their passions. Find out four things that people with multiple sclerosis expect in their relation to people without any health problems.

Independence comes first

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease which advances constantly. Therefore, many patients affected by multiple sclerosis have difficulty in controlling their muscles or mobility. Thus, some trivial tasks for a healthy person, such as going to the kitchen, can be real challenges for multiple sclerosis patients. However, even if they get to the situation in which they cannot move normally at all, those affected by multiple sclerosis like independence and wish to maintain it as long as possible.

No ignorance

As multiple sclerosis evolves, some patients diagnosed with this condition become dependent on a wheelchair, have memory loss or speech difficulties. Despite all the difficulties that they may experience, young people affected by the disease hate being ignored by doctors, relatives or friends. So if you are a relative or friend of a young person with multiple sclerosis, talk to them as often as possible, even if the dialogue is difficult because of the effects of the disease.

They are not helpless

Patients with multiple sclerosis can get to control their disease, even if this condition cannot be cured. With proper medication, the progress of multiple sclerosis can be stopped. Moreover, patients with multiple sclerosis take a great deal of care of themselves, can strengthen their immune system and their physical condition, in general. Thus, they are better able to satisfactorily face the effects of the neurological disease and to significantly improve their quality of life.

Each case is different

There are four types of multiple sclerosis: Relapsing-Remitting (the most common type of multiple sclerosis), secondary progressive, primary progressive and progressive relapse. Each of the aforementioned types has different degrees of severity. Depending on the type of multiple sclerosis they suffer, the symptoms of a patient may be mild, moderate or severe. Not all patients with multiple sclerosis use a wheelchair and not all experience memory or vision problems. Moreover, there are extremely low chances that two patients with the same type of multiple sclerosis have identical symptoms. Therefore, patients with multiple sclerosis do not like to be compared with others.

Last Updated on November 28, 2023


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