Neuroaxis advocates the 9th National Conference of ASNER

Electroneurophysiology has become a very important diagnostic and monitoring tool in neurological disorders. That is why it is essential that specialists have access to the latest applications and advances in the field.

The Neuroaxis Clinic supports the efforts of the The Romanian Society of Electrodiagnostic Neurophysiology (ASNER) to promote the importance of functional exploration in neurology.
Between 13 and 15 October 2017, the 9th ASNER National Conference will take place in Căciulata resort, Vâlcea. Neuroaxis is the official partner of this event.
By courtesy of our international collaborators, we managed to invite Prof. Marc Guénot, Prof. Marc P. Sindou and Dr. Andrei Brînzeu as guest lecturers at the ASNER 2017 Conference.

They will hold their presentations on Saturday, October 14th. The subjects chosen are from domains such as: functional neurosurgery, intraoperative monitoring as current diagnostic techniques used in France to investigate patients with epilepsy.

Discussion topics:

  • “Intraoperative Monitoring for Spinal Cord Surgery” – Dr. Andrei Brînzeu (FR, Lyon)
  • “Surgery in the DREZ (dorsal root entry zone). From neurophysiological concepts to clinical practice “- Prof. Marc P. Sindou (FR, Lyon)
  • “Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG), results and recommendations” – Prof. Marc Guenot (FR, Lyon)

Specialists, resident physicians and technicians interested in participating can find more information here.
See you at ASNER 2017 at Căciulata, Vâlcea!

Last Updated on November 28, 2023


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