The Department of epileptology and somnology at Neuroaxis

Epilepsy is a neurological disease, which consists of periodic disturbances of the electrical activity of the brain. The normal neuronal activity is disturbed, resulting in different sensory experiences or strange behaviours that may associate convulsions, muscle spasms, and loss of consciousness.
Epilepsy is a disease that can be caused by several factors, yet the occurance of a single crisis does not necessarily imply a diagnosis of epilepsy. It is essential to consult a specialist who can determine the source of the crisis and make a correct diagnosis.

At the Neuroaxis clinic, the team coordinated by Ms. Ioana Mîndruţă is ready to help identify and treat epileptic affections.

Dr. Ioana Mindruţă – Head of Department at UMF “Carol Davila”

A Senior Consultant with over 20 years of experience in neurology, Dr. Ioana Mîndruţă specialises in general epileptology and pre-surgical evaluation and is a laureate of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and of the Journal “Epileptic Disorders”.
Having an international practical experience at Grenoble University Hospital in France and international studies of Stereo Electroencephalography in Lyon and Venice, Dr. Ioana Mîndruţă established the first EEG Video Monitoring Unit for adults with epilepsy in Romania, which became the National Center for Pre-surgical evaluation of epilepsy.
Currently, Mrs. Ioana Mîndruţă leads the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit of the Emergency University Hospital in Bucharest and is the coordinator of the National Program for the Treatment of Pharmacoresistant Epilepsy.
Since 2008, Dr. Ioana Mîndruţă has been the Vice President of the Romanian Society of Neurophysiology, as well as Lecturer at “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest.

Neuroaxis Epileptology Team

The Neuroaxis team co-ordinated by Dr. Ioana Mîndruţă consists of specialists in the study of epilepsy and somnology and medical technicians with international experience in monitoring and evaluating patients.

  • Laura Crăciun, a consultant with extensive international experience in centers in Denmark and France;
  • Mihai Dragoş Maiila, resident physician, graduate of many international specialisation programs in Denmark, Germany and France.
  • Irina Popa, resident physician, also graduated from numerous international specialisation programs in Germany, France, Hong Kong and Japan.
  • Alexandru Barborica, medical technician, with 3 years experience in developing EEG video monitoring systems and in preparing patients for specialised investigations

camera somnologie


In the Laboratory of Epileptology and Sleep Medicine of Neuroaxis Clinic, we want to provide our patients with the highest quality services. The monitor room is equipped so as to enjoy the most comfortable stay, and the equipment used meets the most demanding medical and technical standards on the market.

Patients are monitored with the help of a Nicolet electroencephalograph (EEG) of the latest generation with wireless 64-channel technology, produced by the American company Natus.

During the investigation, patients wear a helmet on which the electrodes connected to the EEG video camera are mounted. These monitor the electrical activity of the brain, heart, limbs and the level of oxygenation of the blood. The investigation is complemented by the video and audio recording of the investigation, and patients are permanently monitored by specialised personnel.

To perform any type of electroencephalographic investigation, it is necessary to consult a neurologist, specialising in epilepsy or somnology, who can recommend this type of investigation.

Neuroaxis services

The Neuroaxis team of consultants will be available for specialist consultations. In our clinic we carry out the following types of investigations:

  • EEG diurnal video, for 3 hours and for 8 hours;
  • Nocturnal EEG video of 12 hours;
  • EEG video for 24, 48 and 72 hours;
  • Source localization (EEG mapping).

We also perform 12-hour nocturnal polysomnography investigations known as the MSLT (Multi Sleep Latency Test).
For further information please contact us at no. 031 425 18 25

Last Updated on March 19, 2024


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